Windward Horizon
Rules and guidelines page.
OOC rules:
♦Respect and kindness. This is a safe and welcoming space for everyone. That includes our discord and IG chat channels. Banter is perfectly fine amongst friends, but please be mindful that sometimes things can go too far and there are boundaries to be respected. Toxicity is not tolerated.
♦Language. While a bit of excited banter is fine, the use of excessive swearing, derogatory terms or R rated language in our chat channels is prohibited. Please be mindful of others and the way you speak to them.
♦Cliques. Cliques are unwelcome within this FC. We want this to be a place where everyone is approachable, new or old. Any behaviour which displays a tendency towards being non inclusive to other members is completely discouraged.
OOC rules and guidelines regarding IC aspects:
♦ERP. We’re not an ERP guild, we are an RP guild. If consenting players wish to participate in anything NSFW, please do so in private.
♦Lore and character capabilities. WH-RP abides by the lore and standards set in the realm of FFXIV. That said, we do have some wiggle room regarding characters with abilities not typical of the current class and job system, or just lore-grey concepts. As a general rule, if there is precedent lore for what your character is/can do in the game but you have expanded upon it within reasonable limits, that is fine. If you aren’t sure, check with an Officer or FC leader. Extra notes:
No WOL characters.
Characters in possession of the Echo are allowed.
No vampires/were-creatures.
No cyborg/automaton characters (Limbs are okay in moderation).
♦The difference between IC and OOC. This pertains both to when it is appropriate to be OOC/IC, and also a reminder that IC feeling doesn’t translate to OOC feeling.
If the guild, or a group of people are RPing within FC grounds, please be respectful of their space. This means no jumping around or spamming emotes, and just generally uncourteous behaviour which ruins the immersive experience of a scene.
Sometimes in RP, characters can have disagreements or even just generally unfriendly toward one another. Please remember that if someone disagrees with you ICly, this does not translate to them not liking you OOCly. That said, if you feel like there is a genuine issue between you and another FC member and the situation makes it difficult to solve between yourselves, we encourage you to inform an officer or FC leader.
♦F.O.I.G! In building an immersive environment for us all to RP in, we encourage members to share information about their characters ICly, rather than through OOC means. Curious about that new member and what they’re up to? Strike up a conversation in character instead of asking in chat. Encourage RP, and for others to Find Out In Game.
♦Keeping it fair. Metagaming or powergaming of any kind is not allowed. In PvE, do not cheat or exploit other players.
♦Keeping it friendly. Please remember that as a member of the FC, your actions directly affect how the group as a whole is perceived. If we hear reports of a WH-RP member causing problems in other communities or just generally being rude to other players, that member may be removed from the FC. We do not condone racism, bigotry, zenophobic or homophobic players.
IC rules:
♦Professionalism and attire. Please present yourself in an approachable way. Casual attire is our day to day, but please come dressed appropriately for the occasion for special events (Working in the bar, salvaging operations etc).
♦Promptness. To be courteous to those around you, please keep an eye on the time if you have something scheduled ((This goes into OOC as well. Please try to be on time for any events hosted by the FC or its members)).
♦Criminal activity. Those welcomed into Windward Horizon are considered family. As such, any untoward action taken against one of us is to insult us all. Do what you will in your own time off company ground, but theft or assault toward another member of the company will not be tolerated.
Rules regarding the company chest:
While any full member of the FC is allowed to take/use/store items within the company chest, we ask that everyone be mindful and polite, only taking what is needed and leaving the rest.
Everyone within the FC is allowed to use the chest for item transferring between alts/other players.
Abuse of trust with the contents of the chest will result in access being taken away.
Tab one - Full member access. This is the tab in which most things miscellaneous are stored. Chocobo and stable items, dye, orchestrations. Any item you don’t mind another member picking up and using.
Tab two - Full member access. This tab is for crafting and gathering mats. While you are free to grab anything out of here for your own personal use, please be aware that there are others within the FC which might have a use for it as well. Take only as much as you need.
Tab three - Admin access only. Used to hold components for airships/submersibles. Fuel, and other similar items.